Do Not Be Afraid to use the E Word
Posted by Kevin Garland on 8/17/2022 to
If you fly or show interest in flying please read the story below I wrote while killing some time in the hotel room. I want people to learn from the experience we had below a few years ago. These type of stories while scary are great stories
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25 Airline Travel Tips / Tricks
Posted by Kevin on 12/19/2020 to
1. If traveling with two people, select the inner and outer row. If someone does take the middle seat you can kindly ask if you can sit next to your partner. 2. Always store small items underneath the seat in front of you. This gives
High School Youth Apprenticeship Program
Posted by Kevin Garland on 7/14/2020 to
Never be afraid to ask the unknown Back in Spring of 2007 I was a junior in high school. I wanted to start my flight training my senior year but didn’t have a way to pay for it at the time due to how busy I was involved with sports. I